Many games started, none finished to actually write up on. I’m part way through SOMA, Valkyria Chronicles II, Strider, God of War: Ascension, and even on the last damn boss of Shovel Knight, but my save data is locked away on my brother’s Wii U back in Yellowknife. Fuuuck you Wii U and your lack of ability to transfer save data. The god damn N64 could do that, why not you????
I DID finish Silent Hill 2, but it took roughly six years to do so as a group played game, so I don’t feel I can properly represent it in a review. I guess I can do my impressions right here though. It’s awesome, retains the dreary tone and atmosphere it is known for. Level design is great, and puzzles are often humorous to solve in their ridiculous manner, MacGyvering the items at your disposal to function as tools for otherwise simple problems, like a key out of reach or a door lacking a handle. Just when you being to feel comfortable with the scenery you’ve been placed in, the map transforms into the rustic Other World. This forces the player to retread old ground that is freshly threatening and unpredictable, a grueling task to ask the already weather down and strained user. As is expected, combat is stiff and restrictive, but still satisfying. It is cause for lots of tense, yet entertaining moments. I won’t speak much on behalf of the story, but as a character driven plot of a depressed man coping with the loss of his wife by traveling through a hell of his own manifested demons and sins in the slim hopes of seeing her again, the premise alone is entrancing. If you can forgive the stilted voice work that was a product of the times, there is a lot to read into about James and overcoming the losses of the past he’s been repressing. I’ll leave it at that though, I know I myself had many elements of the story spoiled for me and I would not dare do the same upon any other.
As for impressions on games, I’m not done…
SOMA – Halfway through, it’s tense and dripping with atmosphere, which I love. Not as “horrific” as Amnesia was in terms of imagery and monster design, but implements lots of morality in your actions, what it means to be human and have sympathy towards robots. That alone might sounds standard, but I don’t want to give away much of the game, even it’s premise. It’s not mind blowing revelations or anything, but it’s still best experience going in blind and piecing the story together on your own.
Valkyria Chronicles II – Will try not to go into depth, but yeah, the inferior PSP follow-up to Valkyria Chronicles, probably my favorite strategy game as a total scrub in the genre. It’s still good though, but they changed a few things like mission structure and class upgrading that make it more of a chore to play. Also, there is too much SHIT to do, and the game has been dragging on. I like the length of the first game, with a strong narrative structure. This one doesn’t have the same story pacing, which is why I’ve been trying to beat this game for nearly 4 years. That and because it’s on PSP. Seriously? I mean the portability is cool, but god damn it, I NEVER play my PSP…
Strider – Not much to say, game says I’m 30% complete. I took about a year break from this game and picked it up this holiday season. Still like it a lot, another Metroidvania with the combat of the Strider series is quite welcome by me. But similarly to Shadow Complex, it just did not hold my attention long enough to complete. Not the games fault, just my lacking attention span. Looking forward to finishing one day.
God of War: Ascension – Literally under two hours in, not much to say. Wish more of the combat was available right off the get go, but that’s not a complaint on the game’s behalf. Just after playing so much Lords of Shadow 2, I’m used to the full combo set.
Shovel Knight – You know what? I’ll make this one a full post. I HATE that I didn’t finish it first, but I have played enough to get in depth on what the game offers. I’ll update my review when I ACTUALLY finish the game.